AYA&IDA Foundation for all the world's children

Our joint contribution to clean water

1 in 10 people in the world lack access to clean water. The AYA&IDA Foundation donates 100 liters of clean water to some of the world's most vulnerable children for every time we sell an AYA&IDA product. We are so proud that we, together with customers and retailers, have so far donated 64,075,000 liters of water through UNICEF (September 2024).

AYA&IDA Foundation

UNICEF Partner

We spend several billions on bottled water here in the west - meanwhile people are fighting a battle to get clean drinking water elsewhere on the planet. Unicef ​​estimates that 1000 children die every day due to lack of clean water. We believe that all children have the right to be healthy, fit and safe, and that is exactly what UNICEF is fighting for. AYA&IDA is proud to be a UNICEF Partner and part of the important work of bringing clean water, sanitation and hygiene to children in need.

Global warming with higher temperatures means even less access to water. So the need to help with clean drinking water is great and important. We are very happy to be able to help make a difference for the people who live in the vulnerable areas. It makes a lot of sense to us.

We hope you want to join the journey and support our mission - together we can make a difference. For all the children of the world.


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